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The new ABCs of Zzzs: Impact of Sleep on the Workplace

Posted by Medavie Blue Cross on May 24, 2024

Note: This blog is based on an expert fireside chat held as part of Medavie Blue Cross’s annual conference, Benefits Together, in Halifax, Montreal and Toronto.

The new ABCs of Zzzs: Impact of Sleep on the Workplace

Posted by Medavie Blue Cross on May 24, 2024

Note: This blog is based on an expert fireside chat held as part of Medavie Blue Cross’s annual conference, Benefits Together, in Halifax, Montreal and Toronto.

In today’s always-on world, sleep deprivation is a common problem, with 1 in 4 people experiencing sleep difficulties, from restlessness and unsatisfying sleep to insomnia.* Lack of sleep can take a serious toll on our daytime energy, emotional balance and work performance. For employers, this means many of their employees are showing up for work but are not 100% ready and able to do their jobs effectively.

“We can run a sleep deficit for a bit, but when it’s prolonged, we’re going to see substantial and avoidable long-term health conditions.”
Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe, Psychology Instructor, Resiliency Expert

As an important public health issue that significantly impacts Canada’s workplaces, we believe sleep should be discussed more and taken seriously. Here are just a few reasons why employers should prioritize and promote better sleep, right along with other building blocks to good health like regular exercise and a balanced diet:

Reasons to Improve Employees’ Sleep

  • 4 out of 10 plan members who participated in the 2023 Benefits Canada Healthcare Survey said improving their sleep quality is a top priority.
  • Optimal sleep (7 to 9 hours for adults) impacts employee wellbeing and productivity. The estimated direct cost of sleep deprivation to Canada’s economy is $484 million. Yet, only a 5% improvement in sleep duration among Canadians adults could lead to annual savings of $148 million.**
  • Employees who consistently get the shut eye they need come to work feeling rested and restored both mentally and physically. Poor sleep, on the other hand, can impair their brain functioning, knowledge retention, mood regulation, problem-solving ability and creativity.
  • The long-term effects of insufficient sleep include immune system dysfunction and a decline in emotional well-being, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, depression, type 2 diabetes, cognitive disorders, obesity, accidents and injury.
  • There is a strong correlation between sleep and safety. The day that most accidents occur is the day after we switch to daylight savings time.
  • 10% of women will stop working due to unmanaged symptoms of menopause, including insomnia.***

Reasons to Improve Employees’ Sleep

  • 4 out of 10 plan members who participated in the 2023 Benefits Canada Healthcare Survey said improving their sleep quality is a top priority.
  • Optimal sleep (7 to 9 hours for adults) impacts employee wellbeing and productivity. The estimated direct cost of sleep deprivation to Canada’s economy is $484 million. Yet, only a 5% improvement in sleep duration among Canadians adults could lead to annual savings of $148 million.**
  • Employees who consistently get the shut eye they need come to work feeling rested and restored both mentally and physically. Poor sleep, on the other hand, can impair their brain functioning, knowledge retention, mood regulation, problem-solving ability and creativity.
  • The long-term effects of insufficient sleep include immune system dysfunction and a decline in emotional well-being, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, depression, type 2 diabetes, cognitive disorders, obesity, accidents and injury.
  • There is a strong correlation between sleep and safety. The day that most accidents occur is the day after we switch to daylight savings time.
  • 10% of women will stop working due to unmanaged symptoms of menopause, including insomnia.***

“Sleep is one of the most underrated things we can do to improve our health and wellbeing. It’s part of the human condition.”
Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe

How to Become a Sleep Ambassador

Employers can become “sleep ambassadors” for their employees by following the expert advice of our Benefits Together guest speakers.

  • Educate employees on the importance of sleep through various internal communication channels
  • Set employees up for sleep success by sharing best sleep hygiene habits
    • Maintain a bedtime and wake-up routine
    • Keep bedroom temperature cool (18 degrees)
    • Dim lights before bed and avoid mobile devices, tv screens
    • Start every day with a glass of water and a walk
    • Take naps to catch up on sleep but limit to 20 minutes (90 minutes is also an ideal time)
  • Change the narrative on “hustle culture”; avoid celebrating the “all-nighter”
  • Encourage employees to consult their doctor if sleepless nights are interfering with their day-to-day functioning; better still, suggest seeking the expert help of a health coach who specializes in sleep
  • Communicate the sleep solutions available to them through their health benefit plan

Our Sleep Solutions for Employees

Medavie Blue Cross recognizes that sleep issues can stem from various factors such as chronic pain, mental illness, or menopause. To address these diverse needs, we have partnered with leading service providers to offer a wide range of sleep solutions. These solutions, many of which are included in our standard benefit plans, can be added by employers to meet the specific needs of their employees. Some of our solutions include:

  • 5 hours of adult and pediatric sleep coaching available free to the member and each dependent every year through our EFAP program, inConfidence. The health coaching begins with a detailed assessment by an RN who may make other suggestions (i.e., checking for conditions like sleep apnea).
  • Tailored solutions to support individuals experiencing sleep challenges during perimenopause through post-menopause through the sanoMidLife program.
  • A therapist-guided iCBT program for insomnia through our partnership with Mind Beacon.
  • Our Health Connected wellness portal features a health assessment tool to help identify health risks, including lack of sleep.

Our Sleep Solutions for Employees

Medavie Blue Cross recognizes that sleep issues can stem from various factors such as chronic pain, mental illness, or menopause. To address these diverse needs, we have partnered with leading service providers to offer a wide range of sleep solutions. These solutions, many of which are included in our standard benefit plans, can be added by employers to meet the specific needs of their employees. Some of our solutions include:

  • 5 hours of adult and pediatric sleep coaching available free to the member and each dependent every year through our EFAP program, inConfidence. The health coaching begins with a detailed assessment by an RN who may make other suggestions (i.e., checking for conditions like sleep apnea).
  • Tailored solutions to support individuals experiencing sleep challenges during perimenopause through post-menopause through the sanoMidLife program.
  • A therapist-guided iCBT program for insomnia through our partnership with Mind Beacon.
  • Our Health Connected wellness portal features a health assessment tool to help identify health risks, including lack of sleep.

Explore Sleep Solutions with Your Medavie Blue Cross Rep

Contact your Medavie Blue Cross representative to learn more about our solutions and to discuss adding them to your plan to support employees’ sleep.


*Anxiety Canada – Sleep Hygiene
**Canadian Sleep Society
***Menopause Foundation of Canada

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